Най-пълната база данни с всички населени места в България.
5338 населени места, 265 общини, 28 областиREST API
GET: https://bgpostcode.com/api/v1/regions (retruns all regions) GET: https://bgpostcode.com/api/v1/regions/{region_id} (returns all municipalities) GET: https://bgpostcode.com/api/v1/regions/{region_id}/municipality/{municipality_id} (returns all cities per municipality) GET: https://bgpostcode.com/api/v1/regions/{region_id}/city (returns all cities per region)
GET: https://bgpostcode.com/api/v1/city?name=София Optional params: name slug name_en postcode region - the region's slug value municipality - the municipality's slug valueResponse:
[ { "id": 4447, "name": "София", "name_en": "Sofia", "slug": "sofia", "lat": "42.697696", "lng": "23.321744", "postcode": 1000, "region_id": 14, "municipality_id": 22, "type_id": 2, "municipality": { "id": 22, "name": "Столична", "name_en": "Stolichna", "slug": "stolichna", "region_id": 14 }, "region": { "id": 14, "name": "София Столица", "name_en": "Sofia (stolitsa)", "slug": "sofia_stolitsa" }, "type": { "id": 2, "name": "гр.", "name_en": "gr." } } ]